An Exploration Into What Schools May Be Like in the Future and What a Technology Literate Teacher Should Know, Be Able To Do, and Have Experienced and a Look at
Why This Blog?
This blog is the repository of materials I use with my students to help them think about what schools and teaching may be like in the future. I will add materials as I find them. If you have suggestions for materials that should be included here, please let me know via Twitter @drjohnhadley or by Email.
I also use these materials to stimulate an ongoing conversation with students and faculty on two questions: How do we determine whether a teacher is "technologically literate"? and Must all teachers be "technologically literate"?
The first question is the result of thinking about the second which was the central issue addressed in a 2007 post by Karl Fisch, author of The Fischbowl and Director of Technology for Arapahoe High School in Littleton, Colorado: "Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?"
From Mr. Chamberlain in a comment on Caroline Shedd's Blog: If you are really interested in learning how to use an mp3 player for school I would suggest checking out Eric Langhorst's Blog Speaking of History He uses Microsoft Zune's in his classroom instead of the Apple Ipod, but I think you will find that he has done an excellent job leveraging that technology. Eric was the Missouri state teacher of the year a couple years ago and has done tons of interesting professional things.
The following text accompanied this video on YouTube: "Technology Rich Classrooms in Kansas are funded through the competitive portion of Title IID, Enhancing Education Through Technology, as a requirement of No Child Left Behind. The primary goal of the Ed Tech program (Title IID) is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. It is also designed to assist every student regardless of race, ethnicity, income, geographical location, or disability in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade, and to encourage the effective integration of technology resources and systems with professional development and curriculum development to promote research-based instructional methods that can be widely replicated. " From
The Cyber Summit on 21st Century Skills is a nation-wide online event where educators, administrators, business people, policy makers and parents—anyone who desires to have a voice in the future of education in our country—can learn and be heard as we work together to advance the 21st Century Skills Movement.
Professor of Professional Studies, Retired, University of South Alabama
President and CEO, Beyond Words Tours,
Learner, Wine Maven, Traveler, Experimenter, Educator
Photo by Catherine Slagle